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Let's Build Some Healthy Habits Together!

2020 Has Been A Wild One 

This year has been a difficult time for everyone, especially with the sudden global pandemic of the Coronavirus or what most call it COVID-19. In the beginning, it was not something anybody was expecting, especially various countries shutting down or going on lock-down to control the spread of the virus. It is especially hard for people whose lives involve being out and about and social. Everyone has been affected by this global pandemic in some way or another.


The Effects of 2020

On the bright side, delivery services have been booming during this time, but that can be detrimental to the body, and since so many people would rather have the convenience of food being prepared for them like in a restaurant. Our physical, mental health, and especially nutrition has been greatly affected by this global pandemic and a lot of people do not know how to cope with being quarantined and using healthy methods of keeping sane, eating healthy, or physically active.

What We'd Like to Accomplish

What we'd like to talk about are healthy coping methods for dealing with COVID-19. This includes physical activity, mental health, and nutrition that are available to use. We will talk about ways of dealing with mental health, having a healthy diet, and staying physically active during this unprecedented time. There are other coping methods, but this website will specifically showcase positive ways of dealing with COVID-19 mentally and physically, and nutrition-wise. These methods are not for everyone, but these are some ways to deal with it from personal experience and from the research of others.

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