Let's Get Physical
Being active doesn't have to be hard
In 2020, it has been a challenging time for many of us, but one thing that does not have to be difficult is exercise. When it comes to being fit, it's not just about dedicating a tremendous amount of time to doing so or lifting super heavy weights. If that is your preference do what makes you feel good, but exercise can include anything that allows you to be active.
Ways to stay activate during quarantine.
When it comes to trying to live a healthier lifestyle one of the most difficult aspects of doing so is just getting started. Here are some tips to help overcome this.
Know what makes exercise fun for YOU
When it comes down to working out, you're going to be the one doing it, so its best to find out what activities you like to do best. For example, some individuals do not like to run and that's perfectly ok. There are so many alternatives such as jump rope, playing basketball, or even swimming. So find what activities you like to do and have fun doing them.
Use the resources around you
I believe that many individuals think that exercising needs to include expensive equipment or you need to go to a fancy gym, but you can be physically active with having minimal to no equipment at all. For example, if you don't own weights, books and milk/water jugs can be great substitutes, but it should be done so safety. If you are an inexperienced lifter its best start lighter than you think and gradually go up.
This website is a great resource that so many have access to and use on a daily basis. There is so much informations from professionals with regards to how to work out, what workouts to do, how to diet, it is really full of endless information thats free. This is a great way to get familiar with being active on your fitness journey.
Let Us Help You Get Started
with a video from our team, your fitness journey will surely be supreme
Why It Is Important To Be Active
Just a few reasons
Reduced risk for coronary heart disease
Coronary heart disease is a condition that results from plaque build up causing the blood vessels to narrow which lead to a number of complications. By being active we can keep out arteries clear of blockage allowing us to live healthier lives.
Reduced risk for developing obesity
Obesity is the condition where individuals have an excess amount of fat on their body. This can lead to a number of other health complications and by being active we can prevent weight gain and the issues that may arise.
Reduced financial stress
By living a sedentary lifestyle this can lead to a number of health complications, such as the two previously mentioned. Many health related issues can be prevented and by doing so there is no need to worry about treatment or medication that may be taxing on a family especially during the difficult times we are already encountered with.
How Active Should You Be?
For those who want to start building healthy habits any level of activity is great.
10 minutes of walking or any activity every other day is a great way to get started.
As you progress and feel like you can take on more, maybe add a day to your workouts or extend the time, whatever you feel most comfortable with.
60 minutes of activity for those ages 5-16.
150 minutes of moderate intensity a week or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity.
Generally activity levels decreases as we get older so it is important we do our best to maintain activity to prevent illness. The same levels of activity should be applied as adults, but the intensity can be adjust as individuals respond differently to different exercises.
150 minutes of moderate activity a week
75 minutes of vigorous activity a week
Individuals with pre-existing health conditions
This may include those who are overweight and obese, those who have diabetes, cardiovascular complications, etc.
Generally its best to exceed the recommendations mentioned in the adult section along with some dietary adjustments (should speak with a professional)
To start out, it is important to note that what may be moderate activity or even light activity to some, may be vigorous to others and exercise should be adjust accordingly.
Much like beginners, it is best to build up healthy habits in order to reach and/or exceed the recommended levels.
How to Gauge Intensity
Moderate vs Vigorous
Intensity Levels
When it comes to intensity, it various from one individual to another. This is important to note because over exertion is also something to identify in order to ensure individuals do not harm themselves when exercising and give themselves adequate rest. In terms of intensity people should be aware of breathing rates, how much someone is sweating, heart rate along with a simple talk test. This test helps gauge how difficult the exercise is for them depending on how easy it is for them to speak.
What is moderate intensity?
When it comes to moderate levels of exercise individuals generally see
elevation in heart rate
light sweat​
increased breathing rate
talk test: a conversation can still be carried out.
What is vigorous intensity.
For vigorous exercises
even higher heart rate
higher breathing rates
more sweat
talk test: difficult to carry out a conversation